
Collection agency doesn't answer?

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I wrote a letter to a collection agency regarding my account and they did not answer. The letter was sent via certified mail and it was sent 4 months ago.

The problem is I had a debt of 300$ on my credit card somehow, which is impossible because it says that I withdrew the money in November in North Carolina. I was out of the country in November and I've never been to NC. I was out of the country for almost a year so I wasn't recieving those statements and this was passed on to the collection agency. Now my debt is probably close to a 1000!!! I do not intend to pay something that's not even mine. My question is what else can I do?? How do I write a follow up letter and what should I do if they don't answer that either? Pleeaase help!




  1. Hopefully you kept a copy of the letter you sent to the collection agency....send it along with a new letter to the credit bureau. They have 30 days to validate the debt. If they cannot or do not respond they HAVE to take it off your credit report. If the credit bureau (Equifax..Transunion) doesn't do them to FTC immediately.

  2. Send them a Request for debt validation

    letter, look for samples in internet maybe after a month or so if no

    response again then contact one of the

    credit bureaus, or send them a letter

    asking them to remove this negative

    item from credit report, but you have to

    be firm and ready to send several letter

    maybe 3 times a month if you dont get a

    response, it can be a hassle sometimes

    but no, you dont have to pay if its not

    your debt, these collection agencies pry

    on people not to do anything, we should

    get educated on our credit, how it works

    and there are alot of websites out there

    to help you, get the proff that you were out

    also during that time, where the purchase

    was made but dont call the collection co,

    just mail, sometimes calling can reestart

    the statute of limitations.  Good luck!!!

  3. Wrong my past answers.

    Credit bureaus do NOT validate debts.

    OK, you sent the creditor a certified letter (you have the green card, right?)?

    Send the credit bureau a dispute letter (by certified mail).  Explain that this charge is not yours, and that the collection agency refuses to validate your debt and will not respond to your letters (send a copy of the green card).

    If you don't hear anything within 30 days, and if this debt is still on your credit report, you should easily be able sue them for FCRA ad FDCA violations.  Search around for an attorney who is a member of NACA, or one that specializes in consumer defense lawsuits.

  4. Hi,

    I used "Credit Solution" to settle my debt and avoid bankruptcy.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58%.It's legitimate.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:

  5. You need to send a validation letter to the credit bureau.

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