I ignored ALL phone calls, registered mail (didn't pick it up), court notices/dates...now they have access to my bank account! So I guess I should have fought it when I had a chance. Is it too late to ask for settlements or now that they can go in my account and take what I have, would they rather keep it that way (even though of the $108 I had in there, my bank kept $75 for fees and the collector gets the $30-something leftover--so it isn't much and now I know not to put more than $70 in it)??? I can't afford to have my money taken since I am a student with VERY limited income OR to lose use of my account of 15 yrs that I use to make electronic payments for my bills...credit is SHOT at this point so I can't even get another checking account--which they would just find later anyway---anyone know how to deal with this? (BTW, if I could afford to pay the debt, I would have---I was in a position to afford it when I spent it, things happen, no longer in a good position and the original debt has pretty much tripled with fees $4500)...probably a couple more judgements to follow from others :o(