
Collection without a bit?

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About a month 1/2 ago I bought a 5yr old QH. I had been schooling him in a light snaffle then found out he had tounge damage (got it before I had him) so that was awsome anyways Ive been riding him in a jim warner hack, now im trying to find something to get him collected and round, I bought this wannabe bitless bridle attachment on ebay used it once and hated it, any suggestions on headgear to school in and getting him to collect without a bit??????




  1. Collection is a complicated business.  The idea is for the horse to go in a steady rhythm, attentive to the aids and ready and willing to react to them without hesitation.

    He is a bit young to be expected to go round, he is still a baby and has a lot more growing to do, but on the flat he can be schooled to be obedient.  He should be taught from an earlyish age, depending on his physical development to calmly move away from the leg and use our seat to control the pace.  Ride deep into the corners of the school and gradually ask for more lateral bend ie looking where he is going and following it through with his front and hind quarters.  This will to begin with need exaggerated aids, but once is has the idea and he develops these aids can become less and less visible.

  2. Have you read anything about the Dr. Cook bitless bridle?  It will do the job for you...I use it and it is very effective....anything you can achieve in a snaffle, such as collection and lateral work, you can achieve virtually painlessly with this bridle.  Just google it and you can read all about it to see what you think.  It is superior to other versions of bitless headgear.

  3. I have always started a young horse out with a bosal.  You can train him without his having to worry about carrying around something in his mouth.  You can get his full attention this way.  It works for me.  Hope this helps.

  4. I've ridden in hackamores for the past 20 years or so.  First horse I used one on had her mouth so mangled by a homemade monstrosity.  The owners were so proud of it they gave it to me with her.  Long shank curb with a twisted mought the size of barbed wire and a cathedral.    It never went on her again.  however No other bit would either.  She hated them.

    So.... she went in this  Its short shanked, can be used lightly, and when fitted properly you can get collection  in it.  Maggie did training level, and 1st level dressage tests in it.  After I showed the local training club her mouth, and the bit the morons had ridden her in they made an exception for her in dressage to go bitless.

    It takes time, a steady hand and having the hack set right.  It goes High on the face, not down on the nose cartaledge as common misconception  says.  Since Maggy, I've had 4 horses and all have gone in that same hackamore.  done trails. hunted, jumped, and done competitive /endurance/ judged pleasure trails.

  5. Interesting question. A lot will depend on his confirmation. If he is fairly light on his forehand, you shouldn't have too much of a problem. Self carriage is what you are looking for. Obviously you are never going to achieve the same degree of collection that you would from a bit, but you are going to have to use all your aids very precisely.

    Your seat and leg aids are going to be very important because you will need your legs to ask for impulsion and rather than using your hand to control it, you will be relying on collecting that impulsion by closing your seat and leg.

    This is going to take a little time but with practice it is very possible.

               Good luck.

  6. here's a really great product for collection my friend helped to train her horse with this.

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