
College, army or marriage?

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Here's my prob, I enrolled in school (college) and did not know that the government consideres you "dependent" if under 24 years of age with a few exceptions. I was planning to move out from my parents, but they plainly said that if I should leave that I could never use their info to get government loans. Im gonna be 19 and cannot believe they could do this to school they said i have three solutions; 1- Have a child( i'm too young in my opinion) 2-Enroll in the armed forces(which i kind of wanted to do b4) and 3- Get married(which some people around my age do to get financial help.) but i think that 1 & 3 should be done only if ur sure and not as a contract. Then again I have made contact with Army enrollment and this seems as my only way out...i mean i pulled in a 4.0 gpa and work full time....what more can one do to get out of this? please give me your feedback, it would really help...what would you do?




  1. If I was 19 and had your choices, I would go with military.

  2. I would suggest the Air Force as opposed to Army.  I just turned 24 but when I was 18 I joined the Army to help pay for college.  I don't recommend the Army to any females anymore.  I have heard from reliable sources that the AF is a better option if you're only joining to pay for school.

    Also, you can go to community college to start and go part time.  It is a pain to have to work full time during school (I've done it!) but it is possible.  Even if it takes you a little longer to get a degree, you can do it without feeling you HAVE to join the service.

  3. Be all that you can be. Go Army.

  4. i would say **** it all and smoke weed all day in my parents basement.

  5. I am semi having the same problem.

    I moved out at 18 and I am trying to get college loans and I can't without a cosigner so it is kinda g*y.

    But I am SOMEHOW going to find a way to get money for college.

    So I think if you super try hard enough and look and stuff I'm sure there is some loans somewhere that can help you out!!!

    Go to college!!!


  6. if you have a 4.0 GPA then you should be applying for scholarships and such, go to your counselor and tell them your situation about moving out and how u're on your own now, i'm sure there is more than one of those options since you are on your own now. Don't go to the Army unless u're 1000000% sure, 4 out of 4 friends I know want to come back from there and regret so much joining. That's just them though, follow your heart and dont jump into something too quick, think about it RRRRRRREALLY WELL PLEASE

  7. T hose aren't your only options.

    Mom & Dad are trying to control your next life decision.

    I think you need to attend school...don't have kids or get married.

    Work on you.

    You can get loans with out them....thats a bunch of c**p. Also apply for grants can't hurt you at all....

    Good luck and be strong!

  8. Go to college and apply for grants as loans you have to pay back and there is no guarantee of a job in your field.

    In the Military they use real bullets so don't do that as you might not come back.

    Don't get married to go to school.

    You could work and save your money and apply after you turn 24.

  9. Wow, your parents are such jerks.  

    It seems they would WANT you to go to college, be an adult, live on your own and take care of yourself.  (Note: Look up the term "Helicopter parents" print out the info and give it to them.  You are an adult.

    My vote is to say s***w all three options and go to legal aid.  Have them draw up an official letter saying that if they don't provide their tax info to you you are going to "take further legal action" against them.  It's prob not worth the paper its written on, but then go to school part time (pay as you go) and go to school to be a lawyer.

  10. With your choices, I would definitely... not get married! Getting married for anything but love is wrong.  The other two choices need to be looked at in more detail.

    Enrollment in the Armed Forces is a commitment to a completely different LIFESTYLE.  Yes, this would pay for at least some of your schooling but is it worth it?  Anytime someone enrolls in the Armed Forces means that there is a slight chance of death and dismemberment. Not trying to scare you, just giving you a fact without all the smoke & mirrors.  I said slight, but the chances are dependent on the occupational specialty (job) that you choose and/or end up with.  The military isn't for everyone.  If you do enroll in the Armed Forces, do so for the shortest length of Active Duty that you must.  3 or 4 years (in the Armed Forces) should be long enough to find out if the military life is for you.  It is a good way to travel, learn a decent trade, and develop leadership skills.  Questions to ask yourself: How do I take it when people are shouting at me?  How do I react to people yelling at me?  How do I do on taking orders from someone else? Am I physically fit?  Can I get along with a diversity of people?  If you don't do well on following strict orders, perhaps the military life isn't for you.

    It seems that your parents are just trying to get you to go to school and are using scare tactics to let you know that it's either go to school (under their rules) or not.  It is advisable that you take them up on their offer if you are to continue to live with them.  Questions to ask yourself: How do you get along with your parents?  What is expected of you for your schooling?  What will happen if you don't live up to their expectations?  Are you expected to pay them back for any help that they give?

    Having a child is a NOT a smart thing to do, just to qualify for loans.  Who is going to care for your child when you're attending classes? Most times, the majority of young mothers will drop out of college to take care of their child.  Not the other way around... having a child to go to college? Not a smart idea.

    Of course, don't limit yourself to only these 3 choices.  Do more research on govt grants, loans, scholarships, etc...  There are many, many programs out there.  There are some that are trade related.  There are others that just because you have a common last name, you'll qualify.

    Be diligent.  If you need to, make a list of all your choices.  Then do a pro (what is good about it) and con (what is not-so-good) list for each.  Advantages & disadvantages of each.  Best wishes to your search towards knowledge.

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