Basically, I got a presidential scholarship and an engineering scholarship renewable every year for four years. These plus my federal loans basically pay for tuition & fees, books & supplies, and rent.
Now, I'm married. My husband and I want to live in a nice, safe neighborhood in a nice but not extravagant apartment--$610 a month. My idea is that I will borrow from another private lender for MY car payment (only for one year--paying it off!!) and car insurance for the four years, just so that it won't be a burden on my husband.
I would work to pay for these but my logic is that-- my scholarships are only renewable if I make a 3.7 GPA and stay full time. In order to ensure the least amount of stress on me, my husband, and our lives IN GENERAL... I would forgo working and we would share in household responsibilities as we do now. LESS STRESS= BETTER CHANCE OF GOOD GRADES.
Now, does this sound like a good idea to you?