
College Immunizations?

by Guest65249  |  earlier

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I need to get immunizations For Hepatitis B and Meningitis (Optional) for college and i want to know if i can get the Meningitis vaccine the same day i get the first dose of the Hepatitis B shot.




  1. First of all, it is NOT true that you are required by law to get vaccinated before you can be admitted to school.  If you press the issue and demand to see legal documents that require this, they will always back down.  And before you subject yourself to the lunacy of vaccinations, you should look at the facts and learn why it is not a good idea.  A lot of controversy is raging about this subject and the medical profession is being very unscientific about their position.  The drug companies are making billions on EACH vaccination they produce.  They have a huge incentive to make you believe it is good for you.  I strongly suggest you read the book, "The Sanctity of Human Blood" by Timothy O'Shea before getting any vaccination.  

    Just to mention a couple vaccination issues in current news literature that is driving the drug companies to place T.V. ads promoting the garbage:

    Vaccination programs whose scientific basis is so flawed as to border on the absurd include Tamiflu, which has been discontinued in Japan because of so many deaths from sudden serious psychiatric disorders, and Gardasil, which during the first year of its use has resulted in more than 3,500 adverse events, more than any vaccine in history. Gardasil contains a whopping 675 micrograms of toxic aluminum, and one of the scientists who developed it, Diane M. Harper, warned that the vaccine had never been tested on young girls before it was released for widespread use by them.

    Perhaps the worst is MMR, which supposedly provides immunity against measles, mumps, and rubella. More than 4,900 U.S. families have filed lawsuits after their children became autistic within days of getting this shot.

    good luck to you.

  2. I don't know what state your college is in, but this link may have the state's exemption form/law.

    If not, scroll down on the thread and people have posted other websites to search.

    You can also Google   immunization exemption (and your state)

    You should only get vaccines if you have done extensive research and have decided the benefits outweigh the risks.  You should not inject stuff into your body just because it is "required" because it isn't even required afterall. (Unless you're in Mississippi or West Virginia, the 2 states without exemptions.

    But to answer your question, yes, the doctor/clinic will give them both to you on the same day if you request it.  That doesn't mean it is advisable or even safe.  It is much better to spread out vaccines as far as possible.  If you don't want to deal with getting an exemption, at least don't get the optional ones.
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