
College Majors Salary List Misleading?

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What do you think about the article below?

It seems very informative to me. Their basing these undergraduate degrees based on what? Are these the salaries of graduates that actually are working in their major field? My college advisor mentioned that a employer really doesn't matter what your degree is in. Unless you want a career in a specific field. As an example, Doctor, Nurse, Engineer, etc. Your salary is based on your experience as well as your education. This article fails to mention that and is very misleading. What do you think?




  1. Misleading

  2. I hate these lists--if they included the range of salaries, that would be more informative.  It depends on your subspecialty in some cases, your school and GPA (for something like computer science), your work-related experience, where you live and many other factors--even your interpersonal skills.  Kids look at these and decide based on salary, when often it's misleading as you note, and that is NOT why you should pick a particular major.  Sometimes students will pick something and then take easy courses with a C average and expect to get the same type of job as someone who took very rigorous coursework and got As.

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