
College Student in need of some extra cash?

by Guest56783  |  earlier

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I'm an 18 year old student about to enter my sophomore year. My tuition is taken care of by my parents but that's about it. I have to take care of buying food for my apartment, gas, and other personal expenses. Plus my bf is a full-time student who is broke now and not getting any help from his parents. I just gave him $550 for books, and have to give him about $200 a month (for gas, credit card payment, cell phone bill, and a bit extra for emergencies) for the the whole year... til next August. I'm going to try and hold a part time job during my school year while trying to maintain good grades. Any advice on a bit of extra cash??




  1. I paid my way thru college by serving and bartending.

    I paid my rent ($800 month) my bills (300+) my tuition ($20 000) and groceries and still had money left over for books and entertainment by working part time during the school year and full time during the summers.

    You can make a good amount of money if you work in a busy restaurant, I worked at Earls and bartended at a pub.

    Ways to save money:

    1. Your bf has got to get a job. You cant be supporting him when your trying to support yourslf.

    2. You and your bf should live together. It cuts the rent and bills in half.

    3. You should re-think running a car. Get a bus pass instea (some schools offer free bus passes to students) and you'll save hundreds of dollars from not paying for gas and insurance.  

  2. Cut your bb off because you cant afford him. He should be giving you money from what it sounds like.

  3. my be you will get from here ,  i am not sure

  4. If you're looking for easy one-time money opportunities try looking into research studies. My university is always sponsoring them and many of them give you cash if you qualify. Some popular and easy ones are teeth cleaning/whitening and sleep-study projects.

    Donating plasma also usually pays you about $60-90 depending on where you donate.  

  5. Maybe you should encourage your bf to get a job and stop giving him money.  Otherwise you'll end up being a college dropout and he'll be a college grad on your money.  Then he'll dump you for some bimbo because he doesn't respect you and knows he can walk all over you.

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