
College Study hard or Party hard ?

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I'm portuguese and in the next year i will start study at University of Akron, Ohio (Economics Undergraduate).

Well, as you know, University of Akron is a public school so i don't have a huge opportunity to take a huge future but i want a big future.

I am very ambitious but like international student i don't have money to go directly for a great american university because the extimates costs are too high.

My ambition is take an undergraduate in University of Akron and then trying have high grades and win something or apply for a great university (public). If it's possible. (in a Graduate)

My question is: I heard about college parties and fun but i have afraid about that because i'm a guy of parties yes, but i haven't the guy who LOVE parties.

I'm a guy who wants a great future and a good life and if possible with one girl by my side compatible with me and i think that college is not for fun.

I don't know if i should study hard and find people like me in the university (i hope they exist in akron) and try to win scholarships or present projects and connections with teachers and lately enter in a big university with great achievments or if i should party too in my free days.

I would like to know if college parties are only drink and dance ? ... Doesn't exist partys like cinema with friends at home, going out without cigarretes and excessive alcohol ?

Sorry my poor english.

all the best




  1. Some college parties are all about drinking and hooking up, others are more sedate.

    As an international student, there are usually mixers and other events geared towards getting you involved, but still offering support. Make sure that whatever Univ you attend has an established support system.

    Yes, college is about studying hard, but there is an important social aspect also. You need to get out and get involved in activities that you like, and you will meet others with similar interests. Might even find a girlfriend!

    Good luck.

  2. If you are serious about studying in college, then you will barely have any time to party or hang out with your friends. You could probably hang out on the weekends. You should be alright, just eat healthy, sleep, well and most importantly, have fun. I see college more as a good experience and not torture. Overall I liked it. As for the parties, most include alcohol, dances and sometimes drugs. Have some fun, but don't get carried away. Studying will give you a bright future, not partying. Hope this helped.

  3. Its really up to you if you wantt o party or not. If yo do then you can.

    I just party during the weekends or when i have time. other times i am studying.

    So you can have the best of both worlds.  

  4. Definitely focus on your studies and find people who feel the same. As for hanging with the "party crowd"- it all depends on you. Can you hang around people who are less interested in their studies and still keep your focus? If so, then there shouldn't be a problem. You can still go to those college parties, just don't let it interfere with your education. And just because there is alcohol and smoking around does not mean that you have to participate in it. I don't know anything about the Portuguese culture, but I can tell you something about American culture. A lot of the kids at college will be young and immature (straight out of high school) and they are there on Mom and Dad's money. This is their first time away from home, and that freedom coupled with their immaturity means they will not always be very responsible. Don't let that influence you. People out here do watch movies and things like that, too, and not everyone drinks and smokes. Also, the school being public will not lessen your chances at having a good future- it's what you do while you're there, so take full advantage of your opportunity. Study and work hard and it will pay off. Good luck!

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