
College advice? plllz :)?

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So yeah, what's the best way to start like deciding where you want to go to college? I have no idea where to start. I want to be a web designer. I'm a senior and also when do you start applying? Is there any like good websites you can look at that show colleges or anything? :)




  1. You might take a look at the International Academy of Design and Technology. They have a Web design program that you can do online or on-campus.  


    Made my senior year of highschool a BREEZE.

    Such a great website, and you can see everything about every school on it. Not to mention I was able to check my SAT scores as soon as they came in.  

  3. nothing reveals truth like doing - try some more web design......actually find a college textbook on the subject at a bookstore and buy it, try it........only then will you know if you want to keep doing, research job opportunities and pay after college: that stuff may not matter a lot now, but after college is said and done forever, pay and job opportunity is all that matters.....

  4. ok first depending on where you live look at local college in your area. all college and university websites end in .edu.. for example i attend  Look up schools that might be close and check their academics and majors...  you already knwo what u want to do so you know what to look for. If you arent sure you can always call the university and talk to someone.

    I know your a senior so stop by guidance and speak to a counselor. they will know when to apply. Alot of colleges do a thing called "Early Admissio" where you aply as early as Dec. and know wether or not u get in... also  some schools even come to do sit down interviews and determine wether u are eligible to attend their school. I also suggest to find out if your school is going to do a college fair. It may seem stupid but alot of colleges go and representatives from the schools are there to answer your questions. I know when i was in hs oct. was college fair month. So def. make a stop to guidance.


  5. My university is in my town so choosing a college was easy for me.

    But prior to that, I was going to go somewhere else for a major that my local university did not offer.  I did searches on the internet.

  6. I don't know of any sites giving you a truly useful list of choices.  Web Design is an area thats still trying to figure itself out.  There are so many names for the same job (Digital art, Media art, Web Design, Graphic Design, Commercial Artist, etc etc)

    Web Designers 'currently' are creators of web art who go to Art Schools that offer technical training for the commercial art industry.  

    It's the 'current' way to go, but it's not 100% required. Things can change over a few years.  Computer skills & training get outdated very quickly, so teaching yourself new skills is a big part of being a Web Designer.  Certification providers like (one of many sites!) helps web professionals keep skills up to date.

    For example, I create websites from straight programming code using ms notepad as a self-taught hobby since my college days in the 1990's.  People hire me for my skills, ..but I only have a liberal arts degree.  I have absolutely NO formal computer school training whatsoever.  I bought books and software and tinkered with the computer in my dorm room at 1am.  I don't do much artwork because I didn't learn any new skills to be a web artist.  I get paid for the gibberish you see when you right-click 'view source' using your mouse.  

    You should choose a college that can build your ability to be an outgoing, motivated team player who knows how to communicate with other people clearly and in ways that will help your future Web Design Team get their darn work done.  

    Web Design training is a work/vocational skill like air conditioning repair or automotive mechanics.  You can teach yourself this stuff with books, software, and lots of 'trial & error' practice time in your room, a lot like practicing a musical instrument.  You don't need a college degree for it, but a lot of people with Web Design skills went to college anyway, if you catch my drift.

    On one hand, your Web Art Portfolio will land you a good web designer job, not the college degree itself.  On the other hand, most people you're competing against.. have college degrees, sometimes masters degrees, because a lot of smarties, who did something else, changed careers to web design because it pays better than their old job, so you're competing with those people too.

    Look at art schools like Ai --

    Easy to get in.  Not prestigious, but will allow you to build a web art portfolio.  But its very expensive. Most art schools are expensive.

    Also look at state universities with art departments that offer some web training that will allow you to build up your digital art portfolio.

    If you can't find either, go to a college that makes you happy to be there, and just take the web art classes from a local community college nearby, or do what I did and buy the books and software and play with it on your own free time in college. (My college had NOTHING for web programming or web design)  It's pretty easy to learn on your own, just requires lots of time.  Hope this helps!

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