
College and having a baby....?

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One more thing.....this is not as much of a burden in my mind as it is to many other women. I completely understand that it WILL BE hard but I, along with my boyfriend, are still excited and believe we have reason to be. Just wanted you to see my take on it.....:)




  1. It will work out.. That is what we are doing I am going to school in the morning and he will work nights. where tere is a will there is a way..The not seeing eachother much is just temporary :)

  2. That should work out. Most campus's  also have on site child care, but I know at mine the baby has to be a year old before they accept them. Also look into family housing, that way you and your boyfriend could have an apt on campus instead of being in dorms. You can go full time while pregnant just fine. Just know that "baby brain" can be a bit of an issue...take really good notes. Pregnancy tends to make women forgetful sometimes!! I took a semester off to have my daughter, so I wouldn't have her in the middle of the semester. But I know quite a few who have had their babies mid semester and never even skip a beat, so do what works for you.Because you are just starting you should be able to find classes you need at the times you are looking for without a problem. Later on in upper division certain classes may only be offered at certain times, so you may have to arrange for childcare...but for the first year I really dont think it will be a problem. Just plan ahead, which it sounds like you are doing and talk with your adviser/counselor to make sure you can work out the schedule you need.  It will be hard, but many people make it work beautifully and I'm sure you will as well. Good Luck!!

  3. Remember that, if you are breast-feeding, you will need to take breaks in the middle of the day to breast-feed/pump.  Similarly, depending on your majors, it may be difficult to get all the classes you need to graduate/stay on schedule (particularly if a major requires pre-reqs) without taking an occasional morning/evening class.  It sounds like the two of you have a good plan; just be sure that neither of you is so stuck to it that it impedes the intention.

  4. Best of luck !

    Im a 45 year old parent of 3- 2 girls and one boy. Ages 14years 2 years and 6 months.Sleeping is something that will be a thing of the past.You will loose 700 hours a year for the first three years per child. get all you can now. This is a proven fact. School  will be more of a burden on her than him. Slow down and enjoy being young as life is shorter than you think. pay attention to the important stuff and forget about the mood swings. Don't get so involved with the child that you tend to ignore each other, your relationship will suffer. Plan youe future together don't just let it happen.

  5. Uh, I hate to break it to you but its not that easy. Your going to need time to study and your both going to want time alone, time to be with your friends, and time with each other without the baby. It can be done but its hard. Its hard to balance having a family, a relationship, and friendships as a working adult. So, its going to be hard trying to do it as a college student. If you are pregnant, you may need to look into alternate opportunities. And you also need to make some decision's about your relationship with the child's father now.


    Babies change things. You might be crazy in love right now but when the baby comes it will take a toll on your relationship. When I say decisions about your relationship with the father, I mean marriage.

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