
College and the military?

by  |  earlier

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i want to go to college and the military but im not sure which i should do first. either way im going in the military as an enlisted infantry soldier/marine (havnt decided yet but ill be joining because of patriotism). which do u think i should do first and why? btw college will be for a later career.




  1. if you want to go to college while you are in, infantry is not the way to go. They can work long hours and be in the field for weeks at a time. If you want to serve your country as best you can and worry about college later, go infantry, if college is a main concern of yours, do not go infantry. Go aviation or supply or something, or do not join at all. If you are going to go anyway, go Marines, you will get the real military feel. Despite what people say not all Marines are dumb. Do not listen to stereotypes, do what you want to do. Just do not go infantry if you want to college while you are in. You will not be able to go on a regular basis. Infantry guys work alot when they work. But, they def do not have steady schedules.  

  2. Just join the Marines.  A little advice though.. Try to find a job a bit more specialized.  Infantry will take about anyone and spots can be filled quickly.  Other jobs within the Marines likely will be attached with a grunt unit.  Engineers, Comm, Purification dudes, etc.

    As far as college goes, you'll have to wait a bit to be able to get it paid for.  If your wanting to do both, a reserve unit may be the way to go.  Just keep in mind you can get pulled to active duty.

  3. Be a Marine first! All the way, THENNNN go to college. College will ALWAYS be there, but a good Military Oppertunity won't. =)  

  4. Hey that question came up a zillion times while I was a recruiter. You just have some soul searching to do. Establish your priorities in life and make a decision that best suits what you want to do.

    The military offers sooo many opportunities to get you college degree and pay for 100% of it while you are on active duty. They also offer opportunities to get a commission as an officer from the enlisted ranks. The options are unlimited, it all depends on how motivated you are.

    One thing I really think you should think hard about is, are you considering joining as an infantry man because it seems cool in video games or because you truly want to be in the thick of combat? Don;t get me wrong, i have a tremendous respect for our infantry and our Marines, I just know too many guys that went that route after playing Medal of Honor for too long and realized to late that the bullets in real life kill you for good. Being a front line Soldier, Marine or Navy SEAL has to be in your blood.

    If you go into the military knowing that you can pick a job in the field you want to be in AFTER your service and get a college degree in that field as well while you are in the military and still decide to go infantry, you did it for the right reasons.

    Hope this helps.

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