
College cross country?

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In high school I know all cross country races are 3.1 miles. I was wondering if they were longer in college because I was checking times online and they seemed pretty slow for an experienced runner running a 5k.




  1. Florida State University, University of Florida, and other Florida schools usually run women at 6k and men at 8k with a few 5k or 10ks thrown in the schedule.

  2. That's a really good question. WHere I live, my coach has told me that there is no cross-country in college. BUt I would assume that somewhere in colleges, the length would be longer. You know, in college everything is longer, bigger more intense, harder etc. If you are planning on running incollege, i wish you the best of luck!

  3. for the majority of colleges women run 6k and men run 8k, both longer than the high school standard of 5k. In the NCAA men run 10k at the regional and national meets but in the NAIA they stay at 8k.

  4. Men move up to 5 miles, women stay at 3.1

  5. The "slow" times you were looking at were probably 6k times.

    There's no definitive distances for college meets. Ladies typically will run 5k or 6k and men will typically do 8k & 10k. At nationals, I believe the women do 6k and the men 10k.

  6. Women usually run 5k in college and men run all sorts of distances with 10k being the a standard for invites etc...Dual meets might be 8k or some other distance. At least that's how it was when I ran.  It still takes 5 to score, so you aren't going to have 5-7 front runners on all teams.
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