
College degree or certificate? what do they mean?

by Guest59999  |  earlier

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is there a difference?

which one is better for the long run?

which is better for salary?

why do colleges offer certificate?





  2. The college or university degree is the creme de la creme. The certificate falls below it in importance and in its recognition of your accomplished studies.

    It's kind of akin to either having a Renault (certificate) or a BMW (degree).

    The degree means much more to an employer. It also will render bigger bucks.

    Colleges offer certificates to people who do not wish to be in a four year (or more) course of studies; and/or, because the course of studies is not as intensive as that at the university (college) degree level of studies. Not everyone can handle university level studies....but notched down a the "certificate" level....many are capable of the course load.

    Lastly, some courses aren't of the caliber of university/college studies...but still offer a complete "package" so to speak...example...police training.

  3. Degree is given by University but certificate may be given by college also.

    Degree is better for long run.

    Both are equivalant for salary.

    Colleges offer certificate because it is also a component of education.

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