
College educated sistas I need your help?!?

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Where are you going to find college educated men? I'm a college educated woman and all the black men I meet always fall short. They usually don't have jobs, have a bunch of kids, no college education what so ever or they're thug wannabees. I envy white women for being able to find their men on their level. Interracial dating is not a good option. I'm in the south and there is so much racism here. Help...where do I find decent black men!




  1. Look where other educated people are. Where you would go with it, surely they would to. Or are there that many differences?

    Your asking women on where to find men? Wouldn't it be easier to ask men where to find them?

    Isnt that a little like asking ferrets where to find rabbits? Surely the rabbits are better informed, even if the ferrets are highly efficent. Unlike ferrets and rabbits, you share a common language.

  2. You could move to where the men you seek live. Not ideal, I grant you, but if you're getting nowhere in your current situation...

  3. How about the coffee houses and restaurants around the university. Or join a hobby group that would most likely have educated members. I also like what another poster said about a hard-working guy that may not have a formal education, but is smart. Broaden your horizons, mix with different groups, the wider you cast a net, the more likely you will find what you seek.

    Add: Even white women sometimes have difficulty find men on their level. We've got our share of thug wannabes.

  4. I'm in the south and interracial dating isn't taboo here. Maybe you should think for yourself instead of just following the trends in your area. As an educated woman you should already know that.

  5. Maybe you should move to a place where people are a bit more enlightened about races.

  6. Move North or west.

    Ever since the Black movement there has been a steady decline in the stability of the family unit among blacks. This is really ashame since prior to the 60's black homes where the most stable in America.

    We have a culture today where many black males will look down on and persecute one of their own if they attempt to succeed in life. Its a common theme in predominately low income black school for anyone attempting to succeed to be called out and branded with he notion that they are trying to be white.

    How sad that things could get so silly as to bully people into failure.

    You would do well to keep your distance from such area's

  7. At college.

    At work.

    At your volunteer job with an organisation where you education is an important asset.

    Hang out where other people with college degrees do, and you'll have a better chance of meeting guys with the same level of education.

    But, don't forget ... just because someone doesn't have a formal education does not make them dumb.

    The guy for you could be a hard working guy with basic education but ambition and intelligence.

    Cheers :-)

  8. It sounds you like your meeting the crop of the crop of men because good men are becoming hard to find. On campus yeah is a good start. Also maybe coffee houses going to different events where you know there will be others such as yourself or expressing interests like yours. Also try meeting up with groups of friends and be introduced to different people and just mingle. Good luck hope you find someone good

  9. There are Black Professional organizations. Try to find one in your area. They have mixers and events. They may not be college educated, but will have a career and be professional. There are also just normal professional groups where you would meet a mix of races, but still professionals (if you are open to dating non-black men).

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