
College feminists claim that upwards of 1/3 to 1/2 of women are raped in college...?

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Should they exclude "yes" answers to questions like: "Did you have s*x you regretted?" from their final tally of "rape victims"?




  1. I haven't heard this figure. Of course there is a difference between rape and s*x someone regrets afterwards. As someone who has been the victim of an actual attempted rape and also someone who has had s*x I've later regretted the distinction is pretty obvious to me, and I'm insulted that people consider the latter rape.

    However this should not detract from the fact that attempted rape CAN easily happen to any woman and the vast majority of cases probably go completely unreported.

  2. I haven't heard of '1 in 3' or '1 in 2', but '1 in 4' has been a common claim. Such inaccurate rape stats are an insult to men and rape victims and part of the whole 'all men are rapists' slur.

    The Independent Women's Forum maintains that the '1 in 4' statistic is a myth: "based on a fallacious feminist study commissioned by Ms. magazine. The researcher, Mary Koss, hand-picked by hard-line feminist Gloria Steinem, acknowledges that 73 percent of the young women she counted as rape victims were not aware they had been raped. Forty-three percent of them were dating their 'attacker' again"

    As you allude to, the general tactic has been to expand the definition of rape so as to make it seem more prevalent: "…even verbal coercion or manipulation constitutes rape” (Roiphe, 1993, pp. 66–67) and “with such a sweeping definition of rape, I wonder how many people there are, male or female, who haven’t been date-raped at one point or another” (Roiphe, 1993, p. 79). Source: Roiphe, K. (1993). The morning after: s*x, fear and feminism on campus. Boston: Little, Brown.

    Incredibly, when one feminist spokeswoman was challenged on the '1 in 4' statistic, she responded: "The statistics don't really matter... We're just trying to focus on the real issue here... not bicker about numbers"


    Sam: I totally agree.

  3. I think that things are distorted often from what they are...I think the question boarders on never know what happened or how it happened the circumstances in which it happened...often those who have genuine bad experiances get ignored and the defense for those who have done it distort what happened and confuse a already confused victim so that there client can get off scott free...take everything with a grain of salt

  4. Political organizations do special questionaries to reflect what they want. Since feminism is a political organization they are the same kind of scumbags as other organizations.

  5. No.  How can you talk about what goes in the precious and sacred mind of a rape victim?  Rape is about cuntrol  k u n t r o l

    Sorry about the spelling.  It is C O N T R O L in the dictionary

  6. I would wager just as many men have been raped if you use these criteria.

  7. yet it's not the cute college boys women are always labelling as pervs and potential rapists, it's the unattractive middle aged men who are most likely harmless.

    and no, i can assure you it's not the professors raping these girls. most of the time, it's probably the "hottie" that the girl was all over at the party who got her so drunk that she could not fight back.

  8. I'm a GUY and I can say that I've had s*x that I've regretted afterwards. Unsatisfying s*x, yes. Rape...not so much.

    So unless you're going to start classifying un-fun, less than enthusiastic s*x as a crime, then that's a bullsh*t question, if ever I've heard one.

    I don't mean to seem unsympathetic to serious nature and sensitivity towards the victims of rape, or sexual assault but it seems a awfully high number.

    But I suspect this has ALOT more to do with poor survey design and the designing the survey around answers that you want to see rather than the prevalence of sexual violence on campus.

    Not to mention this smacks of the whole 1/2 of everyone is below average, kind of thing.

    If you rate all s*x on campus, then 1/2 of everyone has by definition, had less than satisfactory sexual experience. Since the average s*x might usually be considered "satisfactory".

  9. Actually, they do. As a matter a fact, while working as a Sexual Assault Victims Advocate, that is one of the questions that I was allowed to ask a victim. I just had to be very careful in how I phrased it, due to the nature of the discussion. But I had to put it something like "was the s*x consensual  and later regretted?" or "did you agree to have s*x and later change your mind?" Pretty much the same thing but in a different form.

    Trust me, the women and men who perform these studies are professionals, they've been trained and they know what factors to add to their equations to achieve the results they're looking for. Slow your roll and pump your brakes son, they're not out to make you personally look bad, they're just putting the information out there as a form of situational awareness for new students. This way, newly reporting students (male and female) know the statics of rape/sexual assault for that school, or that campus, they know who to turn too during a crisis, and they know that they're not alone on their road to recovery. It's not to make all men (or women) look bad, it's to make the students aware of the facts, and what can be done to protect themselves to keep from becoming an addition to the numbers.

    Edit: I wonder how some of the guys in here like DoddleBug would feel if one of the women in their lives was raped or sexaully asulted. I'll take it even a step further and ask how would they feel if it happend to them? Because men can be raped by other men as well (not just by women). The deadly heated bebate or waht consitutues rape has gone on for many years now. And it's something that will always continue because men and see points of concent differently. But when it all comes down too it, if a woman says no she means no, if a man says no he means no. Not a head nod, or a drunkin smile or a vomit and pass out, if the person you are with in legally incompassitated (in a drunkin stupper in toher words), unable to walk, stand, or sit, fully concious and speak to you conhearant fo the world around them, and you still enage in sexual acts with this person it's rape! simple as that. if the man or woman is passed out, unconcious, dead to the world and you have s*x with them (him or her) it's rape! Simple as that. If you've sliped an illegal substance into their food or drink, rendering the legally incapable of concenting to s*x, it's rape! simple as that.

    Edit: I wonder how some of the guys in here like Doodlebug would feel if one of the women in their lives (mother, sister, daughter, aunt, wife, girlfriend) was raped or sexually assaulted? I'll take it even a step further and ask how would they feel if it happened to them? Because men can be raped by other men as well (not just by women). The deadly heated debate over what constitutes rape has gone on for many years now. And it's something that will always continue because men and see points of consent differently. But when it all comes down too it, if a woman says no she means no; if a man says no he means no. Not a head nod, or a drunken smile or a vomit and pass out, if the person you are with is legally incapacitated (in a drunken stupor), unable to walk, stand, or sit, fully conscious and speak to you coherent of the world around them, and you still engage in sexual acts with this person it's rape! Simple as that. If the man or woman is passed out, unconscious, dead to the world and you have s*x with him or her its rape! Simple as that. If you've slipped an illegal substance into their food or drink, rendering the legally incapable of consenting to s*x, it's rape! Simple as that. Or, if you simply force yourself upon her or him in an attempt to over power the person in the mist of penetration (vaginally, anal or oral) it’s rape! Simple as that. Everyone knows right from wrong. If you know the means in which you acquired sexual intercourse was or is questionable, then you’re a rapist and should (or will be) punished according. If you’re not a rapist, and everyone you’ve had intercourse with was for sure a willing participant, was just as fully engaged as yourself, (hopefully you use protection) you have nothing to worry about. It only becomes a problem when you know for yourself that the means in which you acquired s*x was questionable. If you’re accused of rape, she/he still has the Burdon of proof placed upon their heads to prove that something happened other then what you perceived it to be. Be very careful in who you chose to have s*x with.  And it has nothing to do with feminist. But everything to do with protecting someone child, mother, sister, brother, father, husband, wife, or cousin from becoming the next victim to be reported in those numbers that some of you have a problem with.

  10. Feminist definition of RAPE:

    -"I had s*x with a guy and he didn't turn out the way I wanted"

    -"I had s*x with a guy in hopes of getting something and I got NOTHING".

    THE REALITY OF THE SITUATION IS THAT WOMEN DON'T GIVE s*x FOR "FREE". Unlike men who can just enjoy the "Act" and move on... women MUST PROFIT from s*x with man. If she finds that she had s*x and got nothing in return.. it becomes RAPE.

  11. This should help:


    "To render their claims plausible, they dramatize themselves as victims-survivors or "potential survivors." Another device is to expand the definition of rape (as Koss and Kilpatrick do). Dr. Andrea Parrot, chair of the Cornell University Coalition Advocating Rape Education and author of Sexual Assault on Campus, begins her date rape prevention manual with the words, "Any sexual intercourse without mutual desire is a form of rape."

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