
College for horse related subjects...?

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I am about to enroll in college.. i have thought and thought about different possibilities, and would prefer it to do with animals. Our vet (for our horses) specializes in JUST horses, and im pretty sure that you cant just study veterinary work on horses. It has to be over all the animals, and him specializing in horses is a personal choice. Anyways, does anyone know any horse - related.. (animal even) job opportunities that involve college... any help would be great.. im running out of time to enroll and the family is getting angry =)




  1. You can google Equine Studies and find programs, but youre getting started too late (probably) to get in to one now.

    Why don't you take science courses that would help you if you later decide to pursue vet school?

    Take chemistry, biology, physics,'ll need algebra and trig, and if they offer animal sciences, take an anatomy course, and physiology if you can do it at the same time.  Anything you later decide to do will be benefitted by the knowledge you gain, even if it isn't required.

  2. Where do you live? I'm going to assume that you live in the US.

    I can only reccomened a few since I live in Canada:

    Eastern Iowa Equestrian College:

    Meredith Manor:

    This website has a lot of colleges:

    good luck!

  3. Central Wyoming College..... its perty much awesome and there are alot of options in the equine studies area

  4. I recommend that you apply to Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo in Ca. You can major in Animal Science. You get to take classes like: artificial insemenation, horse breaking, foaling, even beef and pig slaughter. All great classes and all very hands on.

  5. uw river falls......northern wi

  6. anatomy and special corears tha involve it(which some do!)

    or a horse artist

  7. There are several horse only related jobs here is Texas and several horse only degrees that are very marketable here.  There is Ranch Management, Equine Chrioprator, and breeding management just to name a few.  There are tons of colleges here that "horse only" degrees.

  8. The person that answered first is right, you could get a degree in Equine Studies, but I am not sure how you would be able to use it. A vet does study all animals, but then specializes in small animals, exotics, or large animals. You could also go to school to become a vet tech. They are like nurses for people. Last option, get your degree in Animal Science (again not sure what you would be able to do with it).

  9. There are actually special programs for just horses.  Check out Colorado State University.  The have an undergrad in Equine Science, but their further education courses include "horse only" specialties such as anatomy and reproduction.

    GREAT school.

  10. They have horse therapists. I used to be a large animal veterinary major and that's what I did. All you pretty much do is help the horses recover from a surgery or break they might have had. It's pretty fun and very helpful if that's what you want to do.

  11. My sister studied Equine Management and got a degree but we live in Ireland so I guess it depends on where youre from.

  12. I graduated from Martin Community College with a degree in Equine Technologies.  While I enjoyed my time there, I would have been better off getting a equine related job straight out of highschool.  No matter what, you have to start at the bottom and work your way up and build a reputation.

  13. I'm not sure where you're from, but Findlay College in Ohio is one of the best equine schools I know of. My niece attends and is majoring equine veterinary science. Good Luck!

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