
College golf...?

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Well, this year (junior in hs) I averaged a 37.25 for 9 holes, and have a handicap of 3.5 (as of April 20th). To add, my last 4 rounds were 75, 74, 72, 74. Can someone please tell me some mediocore DI golf schools or good DII schools in either California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, or Nevada (Preferably CA, AZ, or NV). Thanks.

cdc if your reading this, please tell me your school! d**n.




  1. Arizona:

    Grand Canyon University


    California State University, Chico

    California State University, Dominguez Hills

    California State University, Monterey Bay

    California State University, San Bernardino

    California State University, Stanislaus

    Notre Dame de Namur University

    Sonoma State University

    University of California, San Diego

    New Mexico

    Western New Mexico University


    Abilene Christian University

    Dallas Baptist University

    Midwestern State University

    St. Edward’s University

    St. Mary’s University

    Texas A&M International

    Texas A&M University - Commerce

    University of the Incarnate Word

    West Texas A&M University

  2. Get online and see where you are buy the newest PING College Golf Guide. This will give you complete listing of schools in D1, your state, private schools, etc. Also will give the school's address, name of golf coach and a lot of times, it will give a phone number to call the coach.

    If you are really that good, you should be getting letters from schools all over the place, so look for them.

    To get noticed, play in your state's amateur or junior amateur tournament. Play in your club championship or a city tournament. AJGA is the best place to play junior golf in the country. Look them up. If you really shoot those scores and you can shoot those scores at AJGA tournaments, you'll be able to pick where you want to go.

    Advice: You can have a great college experience anywhere. It's what you make of it. If you want to be a part of a team somewhere as a freshman, go to a smaller school - somewhere where you can be 'the man' right away. Doesn't even have to be D1. A lot of people say D1 and want to play D1 so they can go around telling people 'I play D1. I was a D1 athlete.' It doesn't matter. You can go anywhere, you are still the same player. Zach Johnson went to Drake. Brett Wetterich never played at a four year school, he was from a community college. You can come out of nowhere and go anywhere in the world and still be a great player. Go where you feel comfortable and go where you can be successful. Take it from me...nothing is worse than being the tenth best guy on your team as a young guy and not getting to travel with the team or be included in postseason tourneys like regionals, nationals, conference tournaments, etc. Good luck. Get that PING golf guide.
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