
College graduates: would you choose a partner who only had a high school diploma?

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I am just curious as to everyone opnions on this. In one of my classes I read that women tended to marry men at their education level or higher, and that men marry women at their education level or lower. I wanted to know how accurate these finding are. Especially since there are more women than men going to college these days, stats are going to have to change. Thank you for taking the time to answer this. Please answer it honestly, I am not going to judge anyone views. Everyone has their own set of standards. Thanks




  1. i don't believe those stats are true....i mean it's just a portion of people...but not everyone...for instance, i am attending college and my boyfriend doesn't go to college but he is a very smart man....and we are planning to get maried. What i think is that people marry someone at their same education level for money and not for love...all that matters is love...but thanks for your stats you learned in your class...they were interesting


  2. It's totally irrelevant to me. There are some very intelligent people who never went to college and know far more than those with a degree. And many are in fields that don't require a college education (construction, plumbing, electrician, etc.) but offer a secure, even lucrative line of work.  

  3. I don't think purely the lack of a college education would deter me. . . however, people who don't at least give college a shot are not all that likely to be able to keep up with me.  A lot of people with college degrees still probably wouldn't be able to keep up with me to my satisfaction, so that's not really the best criterion to judge with.

    Would I break up with or refuse to go out with someone just because I found out he didn't have a college degree?  No.  A college degree doesn't equal a certain level of intelligence, or you'd have to get a certain score on some kind of IQ test to graduate.  

  4. I wouldn't care, as long as I was still able to have a halfway intellegent conversation with him.  Just because someone didn't go to college doesn't mean that they're stupid.  Some people just don't want to go or find other alternatives.  I wouldn't mind being with someone like that, but if they didn't go because they're a moron, there's no way.

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