
College help please! Will I be accepted?

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Alright here is my story I am 20 and I am about to graduate this fall (2008) from a Connecticut Community College. My major is General Studies and my current GPA is a 3.206 (I have 2 Withdrawl's and my two lowest grades are a C- and C ). I know it is not the best but I am proud of this because in High School I did not take life or school serious and my GPA in HS was only a 2.0. I work two part time jobs at McDonald's (I been there for 3 years) and I am a student assistant(1 year), all together I work about 35-45 hours a week while attending school full-time (5 classes). I also have about 20 hours of community service hours working with inner city children and I plan to join the Student Government Association. I am also the first in my family to go for a bachelors degree(Dad did not finish HS and my Mom has an Associates) and I am African American (I hate to use this race card because it shouldn't matter but I here colleges take race into consideration). I also made sure my credits will transfer to UCONN (54 will) and I've took classes that are required by UCONN's General Ed Requirements (I am only missing 3). What are my chances of getting accepted to the College of Liberal Arts and Science as an Economics Major? The minimum GPA to apply is a 2.8 and I am well above that with a 3.206, oh by the way I am applying for the Spring 2009(Will this affect or hurt my chances to get in?).... Sorry for a long story but I really want to make my family proud and get out of the Hood.




  1. It seems as if you do have a good chance, but just in case you should apply to other schools as well./

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