
College in the future...UF FSU..?

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I'm deciding whether or not to apply to University of Florida and Florida State University...

My resume will look like this in August 2008

4.2 weighted GPA

AP/IB classes taken since freshman year

Top 10% of graduating class

550 community service hours

Vice-President of French Club

Co-President of Debate Club

Secretary of Anthropology Club

Summer Leaders Seminar Program at West Point (USMA)

Neither parents went to college

African American

I know UF and FSU are getting increasingly difficult to get into....should i apply....

The only bad thing is that I have about 2 F's and 2 D's on my transcript...Am I doomed to go to a community college.

any alumni from these two universities..could you give me a suggested path? How should I increase my chances, et cetera..




  1. Whoa. If you have a good essay you could get into the Ivy League. No joke. (Although if your unweighted GPA is way lower, that might hurt you a bit, but you still will definitely get into UF and FSU and even more selective schools.)

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