
College is almost over for me and I didn't learn much. What should I do with my life?

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I entered college as an eager student who was ready to learn and be equipped with the skills I would need to survive in the workforce. I received honors, memberships into societies and at one time was almost a 4.0. It wasn't for lack of trying that I feel I didn't learn much in college.

The problem was when I transferred to a four year, I had a lot of work to make up. The reason being was that the college wouldn't accept all of my transfer credits. My interest and involvement in my chosen career field drifted. I was pushed in all these other directions to meet my graduation requirements and I lost my focus because of it. After six years of two and four year college attendance, I've one last course to finish.

However, I have no confidence in myself as far as my career is concerned (mass communication). I feel like I don't know it anymore, and doubt I'm ready to work in it. I went from knowing I wanted to work in it, to not caring where I work as long as I get the degree and can survive the interview.

Should I still try to pursue my original career path? Or perhaps I should re-evaluate what I want to do with my life. I've looked back on the last six years with confusion and disappointment, and I'm not sure what to do for my post graduation life. I admit I wasn't as proactive as I could have been in my education. But the college doesn't care what you want. In my experience college is run like a business, as long as they get their money that's all that matters to them.




  1. Try graduate school

  2. i'm a college senior. i believe no matter what, you should def. re-evaluate what you wanna do with the rest of your life (ex: talk to friends, family, career centers, or just do some self-thinking)

    i understand how you might feel confused or disappointed, but in reality, its not late at all to choice a different career. its actually never too late, i mean alot of people learn in even in their 40s or 50s that they want to switch careers.

    anyhow, the main point is "don't give up" be confident in yourself! you made it this far. just find something you can see yourself doing and be happy doing it, research some career options.

    best of luck! :D

  3. bet you went to a big school.

    at a smaller institution you tend to get more individual  attention.

    okay   what's done is done.  now it is time to get on with your

    life,  put up or shut up, and a lot more tired but true sayings. it

    really is a big scary world out there and now you are about to

    have to get in there and make your own way.  get an entry

    level job somewhere.  you won't make nearly as much money

    as you are sure you are worth, but your real education is about

    to start.  best of luck to you.  you can do it if you try.

  4. Maybe you should pursue something in the corporate world?

    Try to find some internships in tax/auditing or financial services.

  5. You don't everything when you start a job out of college.  That's why they are called entry-level jobs--you are expected to spend some time learning.  What employers want is someone with good writing and presentation skills, with the ability to think rationally and work in a team setting (that is most employers).  

    Especially in a field like mass comm (which is kind of squishy anyway definition-wise), you will need additional training--don't give up!  You should look in many areas, such as management training programs in larger companies.  Don't limit your thinking to mass comm companies.  Perhaps an internet company as an offshoot interest?  You might try to get wiht a PR or advertising firm, or even consulting.  

    I hope you took statistics, as that is vital for many jobs in order to move up--it's part of the reasoning ability you need for jobs today.  Take a breather, and possibly a break if you can afford it, and reassess your situation.  In this economy it will take awhile to find a job, so don't get down about it.  Work at Starbucks if you need to, just to keep going.  

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