I entered college as an eager student who was ready to learn and be equipped with the skills I would need to survive in the workforce. I received honors, memberships into societies and at one time was almost a 4.0. It wasn't for lack of trying that I feel I didn't learn much in college.
The problem was when I transferred to a four year, I had a lot of work to make up. The reason being was that the college wouldn't accept all of my transfer credits. My interest and involvement in my chosen career field drifted. I was pushed in all these other directions to meet my graduation requirements and I lost my focus because of it. After six years of two and four year college attendance, I've one last course to finish.
However, I have no confidence in myself as far as my career is concerned (mass communication). I feel like I don't know it anymore, and doubt I'm ready to work in it. I went from knowing I wanted to work in it, to not caring where I work as long as I get the degree and can survive the interview.
Should I still try to pursue my original career path? Or perhaps I should re-evaluate what I want to do with my life. I've looked back on the last six years with confusion and disappointment, and I'm not sure what to do for my post graduation life. I admit I wasn't as proactive as I could have been in my education. But the college doesn't care what you want. In my experience college is run like a business, as long as they get their money that's all that matters to them.