
College kids voting for Obama: Is it just a peer pressure thing?

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I'm in the college category, but just want to know- Is it just peer pressure, or do you really have an idea what you are supporting?




  1. I think the young generation (I'm 27 so not that far off) is more politically informed and involved than it has ever been. I know that goes for me as well.

    It's pretty easy to look around and see a broken country. Many of the people this age probably have friends or family that are in or have been to Iraq.

    I think the majority of the people will cast their votes for the right reasons come November.

  2. They have a very good idea of whom they are supporting....and are very happy with their candidate.

  3. no most college kids are into smoking weed (obama) dont pay taxes cuz there parents spoil them so thats not a factor...they dont have a job....there not very educated when it comes to politics and there young and like most young people they make mistakes...but ull see when they get older and become productive members of society they will vote for guys like mccain

  4. I heard a factoid (which could be made up for all I know) that college students are the most liberal they will ever be in their lives while at college. That may or may not be true, but I think it's because Obama's all about change, and if college students hate anything, it's the status quo.

  5. change is all they will have left in their paychecks if Obama (big hand outs) gets elected!

  6. No, I can't stand Mccain... I think he's arrogant and targets only the higher class... The man does not even know how many houses he owns... Obama targets the middle class... yeah tonight MCcain talked about middle class but I think it's BS... And the woman he has for VP is a Joke!  

  7. its not peer pressure. there are many college students voting for McCain aswell. not that i agree with them. most of us have a good understanding of what we are supporting and who we want our leaders to be. abortiooon not being banned is also another big thing for people our age considering the many teenage pregnancies. to answer ur question, there is little peer pressure but most of it is beleif. i vote by belief

  8. That is a good peer pressure if any.

    No college person wants to go to wars like the stupid one in Iraq that McCain and GOP brought on us.

    That is crazy.

    I researched and never found a president like Bush who will go to war like a video game play. Are college kids suppose to be dumb?

  9. My 18 year old stepson is voting for Barack because he thinks it will be "gangsta" to have the first black president. I swear, that is how in depth the thinking goes with some of these kids.  I think they REALLY need to raise the age to vote.

  10. I know who Barack Obama is and I know why I am supporting him.  When I have to work two jobs  just to keep up the constant raise in tuition makes me favor a man who intends on make the dream of going to college a possibility.

    When I get sick I can not afford to pay a doctor out of pocket, that is why I support Barack Obama.

    When I see my friends get sent off to a war we should not be in, it make me want to vote for Barack Obama.

    When I see them return, missing limbs, or broken mentally, it makes me want to vote for Barack Obama.

    When I listen to the bumbling idiot leading the republican party (take your pick Bush or McCain) it makes me want to vote for Barack Obama.

    When I see the national debt rising and no one worrying about because they will not have to pay it back, I want to vote for Barack Obama.

  11. I don't know, but I had a chick dump me because I told her I was going to vote for McCain.

  12. man kids just think its cool to have a black pres not like thers anything wrong with that but do you really want a fake american running the country , vote for the only true american buddy  

  13. They are a bunch of lemmings who listen to the Media

  14. Change.  It sounds like such a gimmick but its not.  I'm voting against the republican party, so a change of party.  Let them go back to the drawing board and rethink who they are working for.  They can learn their lesson and try out again in 4 years.  

  15. It's not peer pressure, it's intelligence.

  16. Yes, I know what I'm supporting. Obama's policies will directly benefit me, especially considering my tax bracket and the fact that I'll soon be entering the workforce. No one will know how I vote, so peer pressure isn't a factor.

  17. brain washing and misinformation, divisive message and distortion of fact (how many times have you heard that McCain thinks you need to earn 5m to be wealthy... for gods sake he said he was joking... yet Obama runs it as "fact"... now that's a different kind of campaign isn't it!

    They have no concept of whats at stake and what could be lost... unfortunately they don't cover the Carter years in school. So they can't conceive of the damage an inexperience weak Democrat can do in office.

  18. Its the cool thing to do these days.

  19. Most of them I believe see it has the cool hip choice to vote for. Obama appeals to them with his smoke and mirrors techniques and they eat it up. Who wants to be the only kid on campus voting for a 72 year old republican?? Me thats who.

  20. No its not peer pressure at all. Times have just changed and so have people's thinking, at least the younger generation's has. They are more open-minded and are willing to explore a new realm of possibilities this country hasn't seen before. I think its great for this country.

  21. It's because college kids have no real life experience so to speak and listen to what their buddies all repeat, and most colleges and universities have very liberal professors.

  22. I don't understand, I think college kids will think for themselves. Give them some credit. And if its just peer pressure than it must be them wanting to be a part of the Obama supporters who happen to be the majority.

  23. JJ I use to attend NU ( Northwestern) a very liberal school and I completely understand this question. Let me put it to you this way:

    "if you're not a liberal in your 20's, you have no heart, but if you're not a conservative in your 40's, you have no brain"

    - The one...the ONLY.........Churchill.

    I think that quote is very accurate in describing voting trends amongst college students. A lot of it truly is peer pressure, I feel that with's a trend to vote for him. There are STILL college kids out there that don't know what state Obama is a senator for, just pathetic.  But they feel that by claiming themselves to be democrats...they're for world peace, peace in general, and are in favor of the poor... personally I'm a conservative - but I say...if you're a democrat , fine! If you're a Republican..fine! Just research before you make up your minds.  

  24. peer pressure to vote for Obama.... hahahaha.. h**l man it's not cocaine, it's a vote.

  25. No. they are just niave because they believe anything the media feeds them because they werent here to remember the truth

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