
College level books related to U.S. history? ?

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What are some interesting college level readings related to U.S. history ? Anything involving the World Wars, the War on terrorism , or important political figures that have caused issues for the U.S. would be great. They can go back as far as 1865. I have a few books in mind but I need more thoughts. Non-Fiction please.




  1. Anything by David McCollough.  Mornings on Horseback would probably be of most interest.

    Lies My Teacher Told Me (general overview).

    Here's a list with reviews that you might find helpful

  2. A great place to start is Theodore White's series, "The  Making of the President", chronicling the presidential races from 1956 to 1980.  Nicholas von Hoffman's biography of Ray Cohn, "Citizen Cohn" is a great treatise on the McCarthy era. There are many books by Stephen Ambrose on various eras of US History. My favorite is "Nothing Like it in the World", the story of the building of the transcontinental railroad.  

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