
College near Home or College in other Country?

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So..I was thinking of moving to England for an inetresting college life..and maybe it be fun to see new things . Yet people want me to go college near home so i could be safe and stuff..But i really wanna what the right chose to make?




  1. I bet you will 'grow up' if you opt to study at the college elsewhere as it is a good chance for you to learn to be independent and be trained in many aspects of life

  2. England tends to be a reasonably safe country and university life is outstanding depending upon where one matriculates. If you're an art major cheque out the Royal Academy of Art or the Royal College of Art. They're both fine institutions with a good number of illustrious alumni and a pedigree that looks impressive to anyone or any gallery you plan to either sell to or be promoted by. Oxford and Cambridge are of course great institutions and shall solidify ones' feelings about the British educational system in comparison to the American. There's so much history, art, and culture so readily available that one just could not imagine studying anywhere else if one truly wanted to build a good foundation for learning.

    Besides, university is meant as a means of growing as an individual whilst still exploring the world around one and learning from it. Life should never be about regrets, life should be about learning and moving to make a positive difference within ones' world and being happy for making the choices one made simply because one was given the option.


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