
College party themes?

by  |  earlier

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hey a bunch of my friends are getting together for an open house and are trying to come up with a fun theme, specifically a variation of pimps and hos. any ideas?




  1. no

  2. TOGA!!!!!

  3. you should have an animal or jungle theme; clothing with animal print is hot and it seems to be in a lot of stores.  

  4. Biker Hoes and Bicycle Bros

    Some people really might not expect a biker ho and bicycle bro party to be that entertaining. Let me disagree with you right away and inform you that this party theme is golden—well it’s mostly black leather and spandex, but that’s all good. Women must arrive at the party dressed as biker ho’s while men must show up as bicyclists, as closely resembling Lance Armstrong as possible (except with two nuts). What comes out of the party? You and your boys get to dress scantily clad in spandex, revealing so much and yet so little at the same time, and you get drunk while wearing helmets. Everyone wins! And, because girls are dressed as closely to biker dykes as possible, L*****n experimentation is pretty much inevitable. Once again, everyone wins!

  5. t\TOGA PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sacrifice a virgin party!!!!! have fun

  6. That old. Have a naked party. Chicks will get horny and people will get laid left and right.  

  7. Hey I once went to a college party where the theme was moulion rouge and the guys wore slacks and top hats with either a shirt of no shirt and bow ties and the chicks wore really pretty corsets and little pretty lingrie with big hair..and lots of make could also do a on deck party where ppl dress up like sailors or pirates ...or u could do indians and pilgrims ...where the girls were the tiny cloth outfits and the guys were either indian **** to or dress up like pilgrims.  

  8. nerdy theme. the guys can wear highwater pants, plaid shirts, pocket protectors, everyone wears glasses & the girls can wear cute short skirts & pigtails & too much makeup

  9. haiwaiin theme

    scary theme

    playboy theme

    frankenstein theme

    scarface theme

  10. Do a Murder Mystery Party!

    That would be  A LOT of fun!

    It is a lot to explain here...but research it online and you should be able to figure out how to have a GREAT time with it!
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