
College questions! i really want to live in the U.K. but i have to et my degree in the US, is this degree.....

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is this degree valid?

i wan to have biology as my major and history as my minor,

so can i do this in the US, and then go work in the UK?

also, would i be allowed to teach history to Secondary students?

please reply if you know the answers to any part!

thank yoou<3




  1. A degree from a recognised US university (i.e. not &quot;I bought it on the internet&quot;) should be valid in the UK.

    As far as teaching goes; just having a degree doesn&#039;t qualify you to teach in the UK. You&#039;ll need to have a teaching qualification as well.

    Would you be allowed to teach history at secondary level? Well, I think that would be doubtful, though it would depend on the school (some are so desperate that they&#039;ll let anyone teach anything). You&#039;d only have it as a minor subject, and I imagine it would be US history, not British history. I doubt it would be considered an appropriate history qualification, so you&#039;d be looking for a school that is prepared to let people teach subjects they have no qualifications in.

    I&#039;m confused, though - if you already know you want to teach history, why major in biology?

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