
College scholarships; my daughter has applied to over 40 outside scholarships and has not received one yet!?

by  |  earlier

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She has no financial need (according to FAFSA) and has applied for merit ones. She is a 4.0 student, works, volunteers, writes very well, etc. Help!




  1. Hmmm well if u didn't know scholarships can be awarded just because they like the person.  I recieved 5k a year in scholarship even though my dad makes over 70k a month and I only had a 3.3 gpa in HS.  It's about connections all the right people knew me and I did very well in the interviews.  Alot of the rich people I knew just gave it to some1 who was like they were back in the day.

    A guy I know gives 3k scholarships every year.  They r renewable and almost every1 applies for them.  I got it back in 06 because he liked me.  I was just like him same gpa football team captain and I had the same political and religious beliefs!  I got it over the impoverished stanford kid who had a 4.4 =P.  He even made the comment that nerds never do good in life because no 1 likes an overachiever!   I felt a bit guilty but hey I use wat I have to get wat I want!

    It's about who u know not wat u know or wat u do!  If ur daughter is from a relatively unknown family in the community or just doesn't have an agreeable personality it's really gonna hurt her chances of getting scholarships!!!   Rich people give $ to who they like regardless of other things!

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