
College <span title="question.................?">question....................</span>

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I plan on going away to a university next fall, and i wasnt sure when the best time to apply would be. i was thinking about getting my application in by September first but i dont know if thats too early.




  1. Each college is different-

    BUT, you should get it in as early as possible.

    My advisor told me to get it in AT THE LATEST before thanksgiving, that way you can be THANKFUL that you are done applying!

    Applying to college is stressful, the sooner you start the process, the better.

    It involves more than just applying, when applying, you often have to write essays,  you have to fill out a FAFSA, you have to apply for financial aid, apply for loans and other things...

    Start the process EARLY, you won&#039;t be sorry!

  2. Having just gone through this ordeal in the past year I know exactly where you are coming from. Here is what I would suggest.

    1. Narrow a list of Colleges/Universities you would like to apply to.

    2. Visit their websites, see if they have the major you&#039;re interested in.

    3. Sign up for if you haven&#039;t done so and compare the College/Universities on your list [percentage that get in, how big the school is, what kind of grades you need to be accepted, what AP courses they accept, etc.]

    4. Take the SATs, if you have already perhaps take them again to get better scores, sign up through Then when you are satisfied with your scores forward them to your desired Colleges/Universities.

    5. Sign up for, it&#039;s a great website that allows you to send an application online that most universities accept. You can serach on their website to see if any of the schools you&#039;re interested in allow their application.

    6. Research good essays, perhaps even practice a few. It&#039;s never too early to practice writing an excellent essay. A lot of the times an application decision comes down to the essay.

    7. Do well in the first two marking periods/first semester of school. Most Colleges/Universities require transcripts with the applications, so good grades are a must.

    8. Come January 1st fill out your FAFSA. You need your parent&#039;s income taxes and yours [if you work]. If theirs are not ready by that date you can send an estimated one using last year&#039;s taxes and then later on in the year return to update it once you have the new year&#039;s income tax. This application with determine your EFC [estimated family contribuation], loans/grants/scholarships you may qualify for.

    9. Find out if you qualify for fee waivers from your guidance counselors. They are great for taking SAT exams, forwarding your scores, and using for applications. Most College/Univerisity applications can cost anywhere from $45-$75. After a few apps, the numbers start adding up. Even if you don&#039;t qualify for them try asking your guidance counselor to write the schools a letter asking to waive the application fees due to your financial situation. Most places will understand and waive the fee.

    10. RECOMMENDATIONS!! This is the time to put to use all those years of being nice to teachers and doing well in class. Most schools ask for 2 letters of recommendations [even if they don&#039;t send two], so be sure to ask teachers who write well to write you ones, or teachers whose classes you did well in. Be sure to provide your personal resume to the teachers to give them a glance of what you have accomplished in HS besides doing well in their class. Some teachers like to mail the letters themselves so ask if them if they would like envelopes which you would gladly provide.

    11. Don&#039;t be afraid to apply to a lot of Colleges/Universities. It&#039;s your future that&#039;s at risk and one can never have too many options.

    I hope I helped a little. If you have anymore questions just email me. =] Enjoy the process ...  not =\

  3. I completely agree with Lauren. And you complete your FAFSA in January but go online and get your pin mailed to you now.

    Best of Luck!


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