
College students: What makes the very best instructors?

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  1. Ok the instructors I liked the best were the ones that gave extra credit, were not uptight, but funny and cracked a joke every now and then. A good late assignment policy always impresses me. Some of my instructors give us an extra 2 days or so after the do date without the assignment being considered late. I also like the ones that let me call them by their first name. I had one instructor that constantly took points for even the smallest spelling error. You shouldn't do that unless you are an English teacher. Another teacher would not give a perfect score no matter what. If the max points was 70 he would only give 69 with the excuse that nobody is perfect. Not GOOD! Thats all I can think off right now.

  2. I always like instructors that hand out a very concise syllabus, and who stick to it. Ive had lots of professors who are unorganized and change dates all the time, they are too lazy to update old syllabi and just reuse them and make us modify them as we go, which is hard if you miss a class and dont know anyone to ask about it.

    Also, professors that are not monotone during lecture, because frankly, us college kids don't sleep much, and if we have good reason to we will catch up on those needed ZZZZZ's in class if its a boring robotic lecture. Professors need to be visibly into what they are teaching, that way we know that our professor knows whats up and it makes us more interested to be there. Also, professors shouldnt assign homework due on monday if at all possible, thats just not nice and chances are whatever we turn in will be last minute junk.  Another thing, professors who assign lots of groupwork that requires time spent out of class are horrible, most college students dont have time to meet up outside of class cause everyone is busy doing other things, and everyones on a different time schedule.Well,  hope that answered your question! :)

  3. good looks lol, confidence, intelligence, and leadership. When you're instructing you're passing down knowledge, in order to pass down knowledge, you have to be smart, and confident in what your saying and you must be easily approachable.

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