
Colleges are pushing for drinking age to be lowered?

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I saw on the news earlier that 100+ U.S. colleges are pushing for the drinking age to be lowered from 21 to 18. They say that college kids are going to drink no matter what there age and the legal age is (which is 100% true, but also goes for high school kids as well). I am 20 so I know that even if this did happen, it wont affect me, but I am wondering what everyone's thoughts on the situation are? Do you think that this will even be seriously looked into, or just brushed off to the side. Why is the drinking age so high in the US anyways, I mean everywhere else in the world its 18 if not younger.;jsessionid=C8D468CE39CCA101C252C0751AF4C342?contentId=7237479&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1




  1. I don't see how it will affect binge drinking, as they say. College students will drink if they choose to drink. They always have. What it will affect are these college campuses that have to crack down on illegal drinking.

    That said, I think the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18.  

  2. im not even 18 yet. i think it's going to be brushed aside.....and it should be.

    why should the age be lowered just because kids will drink anyway.

    by lowering it, you are making it even easier for kids to drink. it doesn't make sense to me but......whatever happens, it doesn't affect me either. at least not yet lol

  3. I say let them drink.  What's the worst that can happen? The number of idiots that jump off the balconies of resorts in Daytona Beach rise even higher when they roll in for Spring Break?.   I do agree that if you are able to defend your country, you should be able to drink as well.  No question about it, that makes little,  to no sense.  

  4. if men/women are allowed to join the armed forces and kill somebody at 18 then they should be able to have a beer

  5. I hope that they do lower the drinking age because there actually are a lot of 18-21 yr olds who can drink responsibly.  As it is now, if they are caught in a dragnet, they can be charged with underage drinking.

    It's extremely unfortunate that young drinkers cannot take it upon themselves to insist on a designated driver when they are in a partying mode.  Surely if it wasn't for the senseless deaths caused by driving while intoxicated there would be no need for age restrictions.

    I believe that Maryland did lower the age to 18 at one time but it was eventually moved back to 21.  I'm not sure why the change of mind.

  6. I think it's a really good idea, even though I'm not american

    Basically, what the idea is there for, is to prevent kids from over drinking right when they turn 21. You figure they've been in university for a year or 2 already, and they've watched older kids party and go clubbing and ****, so right when they're aloud to, they over-do it, sometime resulting in their death

    I go to school at western university (in Canada) and this year, around 90% of alchohal poisonings during frosh week happened to american students, because they we're so excited aboutfinally being able to drink (the drinking age up here is lower than in the states)

    so to put it simply, it's for their safety, and I think it's a great idea

    as for the drinking age thing, nobody really knows, if you 18-20, you can vote but you can't drink, it's pretty stupid and should be changed

  7. I've been drinking and having s*x for a long time and I'm 19.I said s*x because i'm really good at s*x.

  8. This is a tricky issue but if nothing else, we need to get the draft age equal to, or higher than, the drinking age.  It doesn't make sense that men can be drafted to war at the age of 18 but can't drink until 21.

  9. Everytime they say they want it lowered nothing happens. It's a stupid law just like many others in the US. We have one of the highest drinking ages in the world besides somewhere in india where its like 25. I personally think it should be lowered. if it was, people wouldn't think of it as such a "cool" thing to do and there wouldn't be as much binge drinking going on.

  10. I not adrinka im 13 no say today

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