
Collge Books???

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Im starting school may 12(summer) but i only registered for two classes.

So does that mean I only need 2 books?

& if so how much will two books cost me roughly?

Bcuz i have to pay out of pocket for them!




  1. It depends on the classes your taking. Go to your school bookstore and find out the required texts for that class, then buy the book from amazon or ebay. It will be cheaper that way. Never buy from your college bookstore, it is a rip off.

  2. go to your college website and find out what the books are requied.  Then go to or online bookstore they can be up to 60% cheaper than the bookstore.  Just remember to order a few days early.

  3. No, some classes use several books.  A math class might only use one.  Others, like literature, would use as many as 5.  Science classes often have a text and a lab book.  

    The cost varies greatly.  Getting your books (new) for $100 per class is on the low side.
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