
Collge Help?

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I have a question my gpa is 2.4 i got a 1400 on my sat since my gpa is so slow an now i am a senior i think i might need to go to community college.but how does that work will universitys still look at my sat score if i go to comcollege an try in transfer to a big university ?im a kittle confused




  1. Yes, universities will still look at your SAT score if you go to a community college, though it will probably have less weight because they'll also be looking at your college GPA,but you might wanna retake the SAT again anyway, or try the ACT.  just to let you know, a low GPA doesn't doom you to a community college if that's really not where you want to go. If you show a huge turnaround in the first semester of your senior year and write a killer essay, there are a lot of colleges that would consider letting you in.

  2. if u go to a community college, make sure you get all As the first year and apply to transfer out. they will look at ur sat scores but they will like that u showed that u can handle college classes.
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