
Collingwood football club sunsilk ad?

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can anyone give me a link where i can watch an old television ad? it featured collingwood fc - in the commercial, they were advertising sunsilk. it showed chris tarrant's locker that had a bottle sunsilk, then one of the other players called him a pretty boy and he laughed and shut his locker door which caused all the other lockers to open. all the players had sunsilk shampoo in their lockers. any info would be great :)




  1. You wont find it. I heard where Sunsilk withdrew the ad & destroyed all copies - due to the adverse sales of their product when they became involved with the Collingwood club!

    They are in the process of producing a new ad to take its place - with WCE footballers being involved.

  2. Have you tried Youtube?

  3. youtube would be worth a visit

  4. Ring the c'wood footy club, the players are that far up themselves they probably have all got copies at home and may make you a copy. Didn't help Fraser much, seems to be thinning out a bit,lol. Acting at its best, that ad. I hate c'wood, just in case no one knew.

  5. im sure Eddie has a copy on VHS at home

    contact ch 9

  6. sorry i can not help you with that but i have two kids one is called tarrant the other is called my maggie girl go the pies

  7. Ha ha, nice one Imawunda! A fair few mullets at WCE, Sunsilk could really clean up there....

  8. I would love to see that ad again!!  LOL

    I searched youtube, and sunsilk website but couldnt find anything unfortunately....sorry :(

    Goodluck finding it, and if you me ;)

  9. Loved that commercial. hehehe

    Had a laugh.

    Googled and could not come up with anything d**n it!!!!


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