
Collingwood hav da power(go da maggies)?

by  |  earlier

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hehehhe geeeloong r srioulsii **** they dnt deserve to win man >>>i saii go da port...u no who relli desereve did COLLINGWOOD they bet 2005 premiers sydney n then west coast ... n they neally bet the so called best team <<<<geelong>>>>....i saiii geelong shuld lose n i hope a non victroian team win now




  1. Spoken like a true Collingwood supporter

  2. Yeah i hope a non vic team wins just to annoy all th official people. But wc wer gonna lose anyway....I thoght they wer gonna get flogged, but it was close. th pies did h**l good against th cats. th cats got too cocky

  3. You are definitely a Collingwood supporter!


    How did you actually put a whole sentence together?

    Oh, hang on, no you didn&#039;t!

  4. COLLINGWOOD ARE AWESOME!!! Played well last night. We deserved to win that, woulda won if f***ing Chris Bryan kicked the open goal before Geelong came along and had the chance to smother it.

    I&#039;m with you, I&#039;m hoping Port will win, I don&#039;t want Geelong to win at all.

    Don&#039;t worry, Collingwood should be unbeatable next season!


  5. all collingwood has-is 6 months to think about how they choked in yet another final,they are the ultimate pretenders.

  6. Ok what do you have against geelong?

    You had a good season i know how you feel when hawthorn lost to the kangaroos i hated the kangaroos but you kinda get over it. Good luck to geelong they deserve to be there and come on there last grand final was in 1963 so dont you think you should give them a chance?

    hey p.s thanks for the thumbs down !

  7. last time i checked geelong beat sydney nd west coast as well not to mention collingwood (twice).....i say carn the catters, and good luck next year

  8. Typical collingwood supporter - unable to spell or speak/type clearly. There are reasons why they&#039;re called feral supporters.

    Perhaps this is the reason they lost to the mighty cats by 5 points!

  9. Who taught you how to speak and write english? Oh yeah, it was Joffa. I forgot.

  10. I appreciate your sentiment but...

    I think the best team won on the night.

    A tear was shed here.

    Go pies in 2008.

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