
Collision with Deer?

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On our way home last night from my sisters last night my boyfriend and I and my 12 month old daughter hit a deer of corse she was in a car seat so she wasn't hurt and was against the passengers door and I had my arm around her carseat to protect it because it doesn't tighten correctly in her grandma's truck or in her grandpas so when the accident happened it totaled the truck we were in and hurt my elbow arm and shoulder. Didn't report it to the sheriff because was to nervouse and shakey and worried about the baby what can I do now?




  1. Don't have to report it to the cops. It wasn't an accident with anyone's property, nor were you violating any rules of the road. Just report it to the insurance company.

  2. If you live in Florida you must report the accident even if after the fact . File a claim against your Insurance company they will pay it.

  3. turn it in to your carrier, that is why you have ins.

  4. Just call the insurance company and they will handle everything for you........

  5. what did u not report to the sheriff the accident or your arm and shoulder.

  6. You should check the laws where you live pronto. In NY, if you strike an animal - wild or domesticated doesn't matter - it must be reported to a police officer/state trooper.

    I was told by a friend that his insurance carrier (I forget which one) wouldn't cover a claim regarding a deer strike because he washed his car (apparently he washed away traces of animal matter). It looked like he took out a pole, not a deer. Good luck and I hope your arm/shoulder are ok.

  7. You should still be able to report it to your insurance company. I would get an estimate on repair then compare it to your deductible. If the repair is higher than the deductible have insurance fix it. Or if it really is totaled (the adjuster will determine that) take the check and get a new vehicle...there really aren't that many other choices.

  8. It totalled the truck and you didn't report it??

    Have fun with the insurance company then...

  9. report it now- most states allow a time period if there was no personal injury,
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