
Colnago Master X light?

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Hey guys.. got a question to ask.. does this Colnago Master X light frame gives you uncomfortable ride? eg. alot of vibration travel through your hands... and can anyone tell me the pro and cons of having this bike.





  1. I'm an old guy, so I ride almost exclusively on carbon fiber frames these days, but make no mistake about it -- steel is real.

    Back when I raced, including very long road races, I used nothing but steel frames.  Don't confuse steel with aluminum.  Aluminum frames can beat you to death.  A quality steel frame is very supple and lively, and does not  vibrate.

    Link to Sheldon Brown's article on frame materials below.

    I still own two steel framed bikes, a single speed Bianchi and a Masi 3VC (not a new one -- those are carbon fiber) and while I seldom ride them I'm always reminded how pleasant a good steel frame is when I do.

    Colnago is literally a master at building steel frames, and you can't go wrong with a Master X Light.

    As for cons, steel is heavier, making it more difficult in the tough mountains and can rust.  The large diameter thin-walled ones are prone to dent and ding.  But one that is well cared for will last you a lifetime.

  2. Ben has it pretty well nailed, with one exception....

    The best steel frames made are now equal to or lighter in weight to carbon fiber and they provide the lively feel only steel can provide. I can't speak specifically on the Colnago but can point to others that have steel frames in the 1.1kg range.

    Regarding rust, as these steel alloys progress they become much less prone to rust ... for example, stainless steel doesn't rust at all. Dents are also becoming less common.

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