
Colombia's problems?

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What current resource sustainablity problem is colombia facing at the current time that requires immediate intervention? May I have a link too please.




  1. The main problem in Colombia lies with the US. The US should legalize Cocaine and then use all that money they waste on Plan Colombia to help educate the colombian poor.

  2. Some problems are that many products we could produce (wheat, cotton, for example), are being imported from the U.S. and some latinamerican countries, because rural areas have been severely affected by political problems over the last 3 or 4 decades, so our production isn't enough to satisfy internal demand.

    Another problem is that even though we are one of the richest countries in the world in terms of resourses, there's not enough education for farmers and develpoers to take advantage of it properly. Forest areas are being burnt to build farms, reducing and contaminating natural water sources. Also, innadecuate treatment the soil generates erosion in the long term, which diminishes the productive capacity of current farms, generating growing desctruction on forests to build new farms.

  3. I travel to Colombia annually and own land there.  It's a very rich country in terms of resources, so I don't think there are any such problems.  What they are short on is peace.

  4. as a colombian growing up and living there. there is alot of violence due to the drug trade problems that we are not prould of. Alot of people are without jobs and living below poverty line. indigenous people are often discriminated against and disliked from the whites and mestizos. that is pretty much the major problems there from my account. hope this helps.
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