

by Guest21188  |  earlier

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I want to go really bad. colombia has been my passion for a long time and I really want to go but my mom doesnt want to go and neither does my dad. i cant go alone and I though about studying abroad there but my mom said no to that. How can i convince my mom to let me go to Colombia?




  1. To be honest is not very safe to go there by yourself, if you want to go there and study you must know people there and stay at the home of a family.

  2. Dont listen to the person above me. Colombia has become very safe since Alvaro Uribe became the president, murders and kidnappings are waaaay down. Bogota is a very safe city, and the coastal cities are very safe as well (Cartagena, Barranquilla). I would suggest studying there.  There are many good universities that you can go to.

    To ease your parents worries, I really would do my research and show them that crime is much lower than it used to be. I know they are worried about but i'm sure they are even more worried because they haven't bothered to research the country and find out what is really going on.

    I"m going to give you some links you can look at. Good luck!

  3. I wish you luck where ever you chosen desination, hey... I did someone find 10 interesting things about Columbia? I too would like to know for my website I can then help you setup an adsence account to earn money when people click on the site! Infact that also goes for 10 interesting things on any other topics!...

  4. I don't see why you can't go by yourself. I am 25 and went for the first time by myself 3 years ago. Now I live here, study through the internet, and live off of my G.I. Bill that I earned in the military. Fact of the matter is that if you go, you will meet tons of people and have a wonderful time. Granted the big cities have the most to do, but if you go to the towns here, then you will truly get the taste of real life in Colombia. I live in a "red zone", in a pueblo a few hours from medellin, and to be honest I have never felt threatened once. Not only have I never felt threatened, but everytime that I walk on the streets here I meet a new person daily. I lived in the city of Medellin, Cartagena, and Bogota and found that living in a smaller city or pueblo is definately the way to go.

  5. said that colombia is the land of coffee, shakira, juanes, the pestilence, good shoping centers and nice cities

    with important world events like the book's day and theater festival

  6. Colombia is a really nice place. i don't get why everyone thinks its dangerous. yes, there's terrorism but are you going to tell me there's no terrorism all over the world? besides you can really get uused to Colombia. adapting is easy and the stuff you can get there is really good. ever eaten Colombian food? is the best. most Colombian people are really nice. I'm Colombian. and proud to be. so just show your parents my answer and maybe they'll decide to go =]

  7. If you go to a big city and can afford to stay in a nice neighborhood, it is pretty safe.  I have been 5 times to Colombia and have never even heard of something happening to someone while I was there.  Unlike, most countries tha small towns are the big problem, Narcotraffickers, right wing militias and left wing rebels can reduce security levels.  It is unlikely that you would go to one of these places, though.  Just avoid wearing jewelry, watches and carrying a lot of cash and nothing will hapen
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