
Colon, liver, and Candida yeast cleanse?

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i am almost 19 years old and i am thinking of doing a colon, liver and candida yeast cleanse. does anyone know if there is a minimal/suitable age you should be to do all of these cleanses? is it a good idea to do even if i don't show the symptoms of someone who needs the cleanse and i adhere to a diet rich in fibre?




  1. why?

    I answer this question nearly every day.  There is no reason at all to "cleanse" you colon or liver.  They take care of themselves very efficiently if you eat a healthy balanced diet.  

    While there is a yeast infection caused by Candida (thrush, vaginal yeast, or some skin folds) there is no such thing as the systemic yeast infection that naturopaths and others claim is one of the causes of most illness.  It was a fake disease invented in the 1980's, ironically at a time when many new real diseases were being discovered (Herpes, HIV)

    Keep eating healthy, exercise.  You'll be fine.

  2. Try these two sites for some inspiration and information;

    Just go slow and eat a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables plus high in fiber.

  3. You are never to young to cleanse. However I don't think you need such a procedure at such a young age. Especially if you have been eating right. I am going to recommend another natural alternative. Visit go to the products page and browse for products called Fibre System Plus, Tea4life, & SuperDetox they will offer an even more thourgh result, without the yeast. God bless, and all the best.

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