I just went on vacation and ate a lot...im tired of feeling bloated all the time...plus it sounds like a good thing to take cuz it cleans out your colon or whatever...I sometimes abuse senna laxatives (not to an unhealthy extent) when i eat too much and im used to them and they work well and thats what this colonclenz is made of...but it also has many other herbs in it, to help clean out your colon...i think my biggest problem would have to be that i have so much anxiety about taking medicine and my internal body parts, cuz i can't see them and i never know why something hurts or if soemthings wrong...so, anyway, on to my question...It says not to use if you have hemorrhoids...and i do have hemorrhoids...so, if its made out of senna, like the laxatives i take, why can't i take it if i have hemorrhoids? is it going to be any different than the senna laxatives? has anyone ever used colonclenz before? is it gentle? should i be concerned about taking it even tho it says not to if you have hemorrhoids? Anybody who knows anything about this, can you give me some advice?