
Colorado state law question...?

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I have recently heard that there is a new state law that pet owners must pick up their pet's waste. Is this true because I can't find it anywhere?

My family owns a hotel/motel and we wanted to write a note telling guests to pick up after their dogs since we've heard ths but I can't find anything to making the law offical. I would think it would be easier to look up laws but apparently not... And yes, I've tried to google it and look up the state's government pages and so on but I can' find it.




  1. These types of laws are common, but not at the state level.  This type of thing is normally left for cities to decide.  There may be a city or a county ordinance.  I would call your local police department; they would be the ones who would enforce it, so they should be able to give you more information if there is one.  Good luck!

  2. Call animal control and ask them.   They deal with nuisance animals all the time.  If people don't clean up after their dog, it is a nuisance.

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