
Colors seem richer in one eye vs. the other?

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I've noticed that colors seem richer in one eye and not so much with my other one. Does anyone else have this "problem"?




  1. Nope, can't say that I do, but I have heard of others that have had similar complaints in their mid to late 40's.

    You didn't mention your age and/or any other vision changes, but I would certainly recommend you talk to your eye doctor, or even your general practitioner, if you need a referral to have your vision & acuity checked out.

    You only get one set of eyes. Gotta treat them right.

  2. It is caused by the astigmatism in that eye. That eye instead of being round is shaped like a football, so that when your eye sends the messages to your brain, it sends them somewhat distorted. This causes colors not to be as bright and if bad enough can cause near-sightedness. It hard to explain here, you can always google it - I have astigmatism also. When I wear my contacts I can tell the differences in colors and crispness of everything. An example of that is tree leaves look completely different when I have my contacts on - I can actually see the little veins in the leaves -  etc.

    Hope this helps -

  3. see an optometrist

  4. I have this too!!!!!!!  Thought I was the only one!!  I went to an optomotrist and he found nothing.  He was not concerned. But I still find it unsettling and it kind of scares me.  Not that misery loves company...but I am glad someone else knows what I am talking about. No one else even knows what I mean.

  5. Have an eye check to be certain nothing's wrong.

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