
Colostrum changes and labor?

by  |  earlier

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I have been leaking colostrum since about 20 weeks. It has always been clear, but the past few days I notice that there is some milky white-more like milk-color in it. Could this be a sign that labor is soon? I am 3 cm and completely effaced and having gentle contractions. Also, I am due tomorrow.




  1. I've had milky fluid within my colostrum since 20 weeks, so no, it's not a sign of impending labor.

    What would be a sign is the fact that you are 3 cm (4 cm is condsidered the beginning of active labor) and contracting, and the fact that you're full term.

  2. no, i'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with labor. my colostrum always looks different. sometimes it is clear, sometimes white and sometimes  golden yellow.  good luck tho!!

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