
Colour of fluid leaking from b*****s, sign of baby coming early?

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I'm currently 28 weeks and as i expected my b*****s have been leaking for ages now, but yesterday it turned from clear to cream and i can feel the pull when it starts, there is also more than before, in fact it's becoming very frequent...

there are other pointers that this little guy is coming early i.e he's already moved right down though not engaged and i've been having strong BH contractions, rather frequently too.. as well as extreme stress, irritability and tiredness

so, my question is, does the colour change have any significance?




  1. Not at all. I started having my colostrum turn cream around your time as well, and even BH.  It started at 26 weeks for me for the bh and about 24 weeks for my colostrum to be white.  I'm now 39 weeks 1 day and it's still like that.  It's off and on.  Some days I see it more some days I don't see it at all, but it doesn't mean that you'll have your baby early.  It's just things developing inside you!

  2. I leak so much all the time, I did with every pregnancy and I always make way too much milk. My milk turns from clear to white to yellow and back and I am 39 ½ weeks pregnant, this baby will not come out! You just need to relax because you have a long way to go! The extreme stress is not good for either one of you. Sleep now while your body will let you because I can't sleep at all without sweating, peeing, or choking on my heartburn.

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