
Colour separation problem with my HD TV?

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Just wanted to ask if there was anything I could do about my TV (LG 19L4SD) not mixing colours but keeping them separate for instance with smoke/clouds I see several different colours next to each other not blurred in like they should be





  1. Try.

    1. Decreasing CONTRAST to 40% or lower. Contrasts at 60% and higher knacker the TV.

    2. Brightness should be around 50-60%, whilst still getting true blacks. Get a Disney THX dvd e.g toy story as this has balck and TV set up features.

    3.Decrease colour until peoples faces look natural and not like David Dikinson or cartoons.

    4. Decrease sharpness setting to MINIMUM. It will NOT make it blurry or too soft. The sharpness setting actually increases grain to make ARTIFICIAL IMPRESSION OF SHARPNESS! the original HDMI source form your lovely, lovely PS3 will be just fine without artificial noise.

    5. Decrease backlight to around half of maximum.

    Try all these out and see what happens. Turn any automati piture features off,and see what happens. Alos set any white levels to neutral, and not coolor warm.

    Good luck, I hope you manage to get this sorted out. A little bit of bleed and lack of synchronization is normal. The sharpness of a PSP screen shows its absolute quality. The LG is fine,or should be. Sit an adequate distane back and not too near. It may be that olours are meant to be mixed oin your eye by sitting further back - a bit like an impresionist paitning - I bullshiot you not- If its really bad,get it serviced.

    The resultant image may look a bit dull but itll take your eyes a while to get used to the chnage.

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