
Combat Arms shooting is bad?

by  |  earlier

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I have had a problem when shooting people. It seems like i will find them and shoot them 10 to 15 times and they woulnt die and then the shoot me once and im kicking the bucket. Anyone know why? I am using the recommened best gun the 36e

And also it seems like my sniper cross hairs are way off?




  1. Practically nothing that applies to real guns in the real world will help with your video games. Perhaps you should post your question somewhere else.

  2. Join the army .

  3. Post this in the video game section --- They can help you there.....

  4. Never used or seen any of those video games but can tell you in real life, shooting someone is not like the movies.(or games)

    Peope DO NOT get blown back 50 feet when shot with the latest Crowd Killer 1000. Physics doesnt allow that.

    Have fun with the games but dont confuse any of it with reality.

  5. Are you Jesus or something? Returning from the dead?

    I didn't think so. Real guns are not the same as virtual guns. All I can tell you is aim for the head or chest.

  6. At first I thought this guy was a troll but then I figured out he's a gamer

    You're in the wrong section

    YA put you here instead of Computers

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