
Combat Medic in the Army. ????

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I was thinking about becoming a combat medic in the Army. I am 18 and i have a NR-EMT cert. I don't really care for war but i do care about saving lives especially if they are people that i know. I know what goes on in iraq but I want some excitement in my life. So is this a good idea?




  1. the fact that u have ur NREMT is great and you will be that far ahead in knowledge when they get to this point in your Tng.  Still, you will still have to do all the tng (again) you've already been through for your certs.  It's part of the ciriculum that nobody deviates from and keeps everyone on the same sheeet of music.

    Now, and I'm not trying to burst bubbles but I think it's great you want to be a medic, I just can't say that everyone who wants to be one, even with a background in health care, can qualify.  In other words, you'll have to pass the asvab like everyone esle and score adequate line scores in the appropriate fields.  I've watched nurses become unqualified for being medics--that is why I point this out.

    Now, down and dirty!!  Medics are the best.  U can go anywhere.  CONUS, overseas and everywhere in between.  You got it like that.  Sometimes it's to the advantage, sometimes it's no so much the advantage.  You can work in an aid station or you'll be out there on the line with infantry or artillery, humping just like them, only more because u carry an aid bag.  And when everyone sleeps, you're doing rounds to make sure everyone is ok.

    Being an EMT will transfer good skills because of your previous experience.  The Army make all medics test out and pass the NREMT.  u don't pass, you don't become a medic.  Years ago, it wasn't mandatory.  If you passed years ago, you were like the elite medics of the pack.  Today, they've raised the bar.  There's no compromising medic training/care for our troops.  That's the reason for raising the standards.  

    Being a medic means too that you'll be the first on the seen of many accidents.  You'll be the DOC.  You'll be responsible for what goes right, and yeah, what goes wrong.  It's a life I'm glad I lived before becoming a nurse.  I worked Emergency for a while and everything I learned as an EMT/medic helped me adjust and/or outperform my peers in emergency medicine.  

    AS medics, your scope of practice is 50 times that of what an EMT can do in the field.  When do u see EMTs (basics) intubate?  U don't. When do you see venous cut downs?  U don't.  ABG's by medics? d**n right.  Above and beyond.  Our medics are the cream of the crop and rightfully deserve big time respect.

    Expect promotions to be solid too.  Be prepared for everything with the war messing up lots of soldiers.   If you don't have too much in the way of experience now, know will be highly competent, highly wanted by civilians upon departure.  You'll be 10 times more marketable than the avg joe right from emt certs.  You're in Demand.

    Can u tell I love medics?  Hooah!!!

    Forgive the spelling, I'm being lazy :)


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