
Combat medical techinicians injections?

by  |  earlier

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i intend to join the (british) army when im 18, i would like to become a combat medical technician, im good with blood and stuff and i dont get squeamish in that respect, but im not so sure about injections would i have to give injections? if so where? i recently had my teenage booster and i wasnt so bad then i didnt have to look away, i just watched the nurse put the needle in and everything, but im not sure if i could do that.




  1. lol dude, your going to have to start i.v.s, chest needles, chest tubes, needle crics, and yes random injections for like infections after you incision and drain them... if you dont like needles either start liking them or think of something else to do in the army.

  2. You will give every kind of immunization and test under the sun, from smallpox to anthrax to tuberculosis. Most all are done on either the arm or forearm, some on the butt (penicillin).

    Along with this, and as already mentioned, you'll be an expert at IVs, chest needle decompressions (used to inflate a lung collapsed by a sucking chest wound from caused by a bullet or shrapnel .. a needle is inserted between the ribs into the area surrounding the lungs, releasing pressure), a Sternal Intraosseous (IO) which is a needle that goes into the sternum when you can't get into a vein because they're receding due to extensive blood loss from battlefield injuries, etc.

  3. If you're afraid of needles or giving shots, you cannot be a medic.

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