
Combined Party or Seperate?

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The two youngest of my children are age 3. They are not twins, one is adopted and one is my biological child. Ironically, their birthdays are only a day apart. We adopted her at age 2. So their third party was the first I threw for both of them.

I always plan ahead for my children's birthday parties. So right after my toddlers' third party (a Carnival) I started planning for their fourth party (a Circus).

Now they are wanting separate parties. I totally understand this, because one is a boy and one is a girl. My daughter wants a Tinkerbell party, while my son wants a Carz party. I have ideas for both parties and we can afford to have two parties. The thing is, they share many of the same friends and their birthdays are so close. I don't want to have a double themed party, because that would like mess up all of my ideas and stuff. They do have some seperate friends, but not all.

So now I have three parties completely planned out. Should I do a combined party for this year and let




  1. It's completely up to you. If you're up for two parties, and can do it I'd say go for it. Kids that are 3 don't care too much about games. Maybe you can have face painting at one, and balloon animals at the other's. I also think kids care less about repetition than we do :-)

  2. If you can afford to do 2 parties, you should. Everyone else gets their own party, so should they. It's not their fault their birthdays are so close together. If they were both the same gender it would be different. Good luck! :)

  3. If you can't even afford 2 separate ones, why do them? They are 3 yrs old not sweet 16..

  4. I used to have parties with my brothers all the time, sometimes we did things they wanted to (bowling) and sometimes what I wanted (ice skating).  But

    I had fun at all of them, no matter who chose it.

    You could also have one party but separately themed cakes and favors, or decorate differently in different rooms.  But if they continue to have a combined party, they will get used to it and it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

  5. As a parent who  might be invited to both parties I would personally prefer one party if they are that close together.  I can understand the kids wanting things separate, but as a guest I would prefer to bring my child to one rather than two weekends in a row.  I think the idea of doing a party with two themes (and even two cakes) sounds like a great idea.  I also must admit you seem to be a bit more into the complete theme idea than is my taste/practise with my kids.  so i might not be as sympathetic to that whole vision thing as you would like.  But i think if i were on the invite list I would feel like i would rather there be one party I could really be enthused about...

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